The mobile library has disappeared. But in the Frisian municipality of Wûnseradiel both children and adults will still be able to borrow books. As an alternative, small libraries were set up in school buildings of twelve villages.

‘It is too small’. ‘A top library.’ A book for almost every person. Students of the Christian primary school ‘De Paedwizer’ in the Frisian settlement of Parrega (500 residents) are passionate about the small library in their school. Of these children, 95% holds membership to a Public Library. A special corner in the common room of their school has been set aside for the ‘lytse bieb’. Magazines are on the shelves, and the library contains some 1200 books for lending. The library is open to the public two hours a week. Children may also borrow books during school hours, says managing director Ellen van Albada of Bibliotheken Súdwest Fryslân (Southwest Friesland Libraries). ‘It also serves as a service point. For instance, adults may collect the books they ordered via Internet.’ On Tuesday…
